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Dr. Harold Welch, MD - AVF PresidentIt is my deep honor to serve you as the 33rd President of the American Venous Forum. I have been attending the AVF Annual Meeting since 1991, and truly believe the AVF is the exemplary vascular society in the world. Our mission is to promote venous and lymphatic health, and our past leaders have shown us the path to accomplish this. I am particularly grateful for our immediate Past President, Dr. Brajesh Lal, MD, whose insight and wisdom has moved us to even greater accomplishments, and to Elna Masuda, MD, Past President, and current American Venous Forum Foundation President who has re-invigorated the AVF with her thoughtful guidance, both of whom I will work closely with.

The American Venous Forum is as successful as its members can make it. The many volunteer committee members and Chairs are the driving force behind the AVF, and I thank all of them for contributing their time, ideas, and energies to the benefit of the AVF. I invite all members to get involved and further the goals of the AVF to improve venous and lymphatic health for all patients and to educate providers and the public to make life better for patients throughout the world.

In April, 2019, the AVF had a strategic planning retreat where we identified key objectives to move the AVF forward. I am pleased to say we have already made great progress with our Strategic Plan, but there remains more to be done. Implementing the plan that your AVF leadership has developed will be one of the primary goals of the coming year.

I would like to add we have an excellent Administrative staff that is willing and able to assist you with any matters you may have with the AVF.

Finally, I invite you to reach out to me directly if you have questions or concerns, utilizing the “Ask the President” link at the top of our Home Page. I will be happy to discuss with you any Forum issues. And, I hope to see you at VENOUS2021 in San Antonio, Texas, next February 24-27.


Harold J. Welch, MD

Dr. Hal Welch discusses the future of the American Venous Forum

Listen to the podcast below:

Dr. Hal Welch discusses the future of the American Venous Forum