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AVF-Juzo Traveling Fellowship

The American Venous Forum, initially with SIGVARIS and now with Juzo, has offered a Traveling Fellowship in Venous Disease for early career members of the AVF. This premier opportunity has enabled future venous practitioners to learn from pioneers in the field and to begin their personal leadership journeys. Past awardees have served as Board Members and Presidents of the AVF.


Applicants must:

  • Have completed their training and been in practice for less than 10 years
  • Have been an AVF Member as of July 1, 2024
  • Commit to maintaining their AVF membership for at least 3 years after the date of award
  • Agree to submit requests for reimbursement within 60 days of incurring an eligible expense
  • Agree to visit Juzo’s corporate headquarters and manufacturing facility during the first 12 months of the Fellowship (these expenses will be covered by Juzo, separately from the $12,000 award)
  • Agree to present a summary of their experiences at a future AVF Annual Meeting


Applicants should submit the following in Word or PDF format.

  • An essay describing:
    • Their interest in venous disease; how it developed, current experience, and future goals
    • How the Traveling Fellowship will serve them, their patients, their colleagues, and the AVF
  • An outline of their potential travel plans as they relate to the goals of the applicant, and what they hope to learn from their visits.
    • The AVF-Juzo Traveling Fellowship page on the AVF web site contains a list of venous and lymphatic experts willing to share their time, wisdom and expertise
  • A copy of their CV
  • Two letters of recommendation


Submissions must be received no later than October 18, 2024.

Past Recipients of the AVF Traveling Fellowship

2025 – Eri Fukaya, MD, PhD & Sarah Onida, MD, PhD

2024 – Misaki Kiguchi, MD

2023 – Mikel Sadek, MD

2022 – Arjun Jayaraj, MD

2021 – Cassius Iyad Ochoa Chaar, MD

2005 – Antonios P. Gasparis, MD

2004 – Robert McLafferty, MD

2003 – Audra Noel, MD

2002 – Joseph D. Raffetto, MD

2001 – David L. Gillespie, MD

2000 – Harold J. Welch, MD

1999 – E. John Harris, Jr., MD

1998 – Paul R. Cordts, MD

1997 – Mark H. Meissner, MD

Travelling Fellows
Dr. Harold Welch – AVF President
My experience with the Traveling Fellowship was one of the most significant highlights of my career. I was able to meet and learn from my hosts in a way that otherwise would not have been possible. They were giants in the field of venous disease and they willingly took the time to teach me about how they cared for venous patients, but also showed me how to be a gracious host and that will never be forgotten. They helped fuel my interest in venous disease as well as my participation in the American Venous Forum.” – Harold Welch, MD, Past AVF & AVF Foundation President
“Juzo is excited to collaborate with the American Venous Forum to help advance and broaden the spectrum of venous disease training and education.” – Annerose Zorn-West, Juzo Managing Director
Juzo Logo

The 2024 Fellowship will award $12,000 in funded travel at the AVF Annual Meeting held in March 2024. The selected candidate will have up to 2 years to complete his or her fellowship and will be required to present a summary of his or her experiences at a future AVF Annual Meeting. The selection and administration process will be guided by the AVF-Juzo Traveling Fellowship Committee which will include prior Traveling Fellowship awardees.

The American Venous Forum is committed to providing a culturally diverse educational environment and equal opportunities for all members. Applications from veterans, individuals with disabilities, women, minorities, and members of other underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged.

Traveling Fellowship Resources

Applicants for the AVF-Juzo Traveling Fellowship are welcome to include visits with any venous or lymphatic professionals of their choosing. The following AVF Distinguished Fellows and Board Members have offered to serve as hosts. If you’re interested in speaking with them or including them in your application, please contact us at [email protected] and we will connect you.

Faisal Aziz, MD, Distinguished-FSVS, FACS, Penn State Health Heart and Vascular Institute, Hershey, PA. We are a large, tertiary care academic medical center (the largest in central PA). Our practice is arterial-heavy, but do tons of venous interventions. With heavy focus on treating superficial venous disease and taking care of patients with venous ulcers.

Rabih Chaer, MD, MSc, UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA. Busy venous practice with a dedicated vein center, iliofemoral DVT treatment with ongoing clinical trials, PE interventional treatment.

Professor Alun Davies, MA DM FRCS DSc FHEA FEBVS FACPh FLSW, Charing Cross Hospital, London, England. NHS practise / private practice, superficial / deep disease management, research department.

Jose Antonio Diaz, MD, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN. My background is on Vascular Surgery and Vascular Biology. From the research perspective, I have a publication track record on deep vein thrombosis biology, developing preclinical models of vascular diseases, mobile arteries and their mechanical stress. You can access more information at

Anil Hingorani, MD, Vascular Institute of New York, Brooklyn, NY. Our areas of focus are examining endovenous procedures in an office-based setting for venous insufficiency.

Fedor Lurie, MD, PhD, Jobst Vascular Institute, Toledo, OH. An awardee will experience a unique settings of the Jobst vascular Institute (JVI) – an academic practice outside traditional university system. In this large multi-specialty vascular service line, the awardee will learn how the team approach to all aspects of venous care can work. This includes management of chronic venous disease, pelvic congestion, congenital abnormalities, and system-wide management of VTE. The awardee will also have an opportunity to participate in JVI research and educational activities.

Robert McLafferty, MD, MBA*, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR. Oregon Health & Science University has outpatient Wound and Hyperbaric Center of which Dr. McLafferty is the Medical Director. Numerous patients with severe chronic venous disease are cared for in this clinic. In addition, he and other faculty participate in an outpatient vein clinic offered on numerous days that offers a wide-variety of treatments for varicose veins.

Seshadri Raju, MD, FACS, The Rane Center for Venous and Lymphatic Disease, Jackson, MS. We are a leader in Venous stent technology. We do about 400 cases a year.

Harold Welch, MD*, AVF President, Lahey Hospital and Medical Center, Burlington, MA (Boston). 30 years Clinical experience, primarily superficial venous disease (laser ablation, phlebectomy). Care of chronic venous disease patients.

* indicates previous AVF Traveling Fellow