Handbook of Venous Disorders
Several chapters were written by international authors, all experts in venous disease. This is a 744 page volume, beautifully illustrated with black and white and colored line drawings and photographs.
Editor: Dr. Peter Gloviczki, MD
Associate Editors: Dr. Michael C. Dalsing, MD; Dr. Bo G. Eklof, MD; Dr. Gregory L. Moneta, MD and Dr. Thomas W. Wakefield, MD
Published by Hodder Arnold in 2009

Handbook of Venous Disorders is an essential reference for vascular surgeons and specialists in vascular medicine. The strength of this textbook is its completeness and the fact that the chapters are uniformly clear and well written.
New England Journal of Medicine:
“…an essential resource for all who have an interest in venous disease. This timely edition brings together, therefore, the current knowledge and provides a perfect resource for those embarking on research as well as for clinicians in everyday practice around the world. I cannot recommend this text too highly.”