AVF/NIH-NHLBI Research Grant

The AVF is looking to provide supplemental funding to an individual who receives a National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), National Institutes of Health (NIH) Mentored Patient-Oriented or Mentored Clinical Scientist award. The NHLBI K08 and K23 awards support a three, four, or five-year period of supervised research experience. The AVF award provides $25,000 support over and above funding offered by the NHLBI K08/K23 award.
The proposed research must have intrinsic research importance to venous and lymphatic disease, as well as serving as a suitable vehicle for training in the methodology, theories, and conceptualizations necessary for a well-trained independent researcher. To be considered for the AVF supplemental funding, please submit a proposal for funding which includes a budget and an electronic copy of your K08/K23 application to the AVF Review Committee via info@VeinForum.
The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) and the American Venous Forum (AVF) have agreed to the joint sponsorship of a research career development program designed for physicians to enhance their ability to perform biomedical research by providing them with a supervised experience with the concepts and methods of the biological sciences.
The NHLBI and the AVF will accept applications from qualified venous and lymphatic physicians for grants in support of mentored development and research training to be awarded for up to five years duration. The applicants should be committed to a career in research and should propose a program of specialized study during the supervised experience of the award period that should be designed to lead to their eventual establishment as independent investigators. Full details of the requirements for applicants are included in the announcements titled “Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career Development Award (K08)” and “Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career Development Award (K23)” available on the AVF web site (www.VeinForum.org).
Mechanism of Support
The research career development will be supported by the Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Development Award mechanism (NIH activity code K08) or the Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career Development Award mechanism (NIH activity code K23). Applications must be prepared and reviewed and awards made according to NIH policies for K08 and K23 awards and NHLBI supplementary policies thereto. It is anticipated that up to one award will be made each fiscal year, subject to the receipt of sufficiently meritorious applications and the availability of AVF funds. The AVF may determine to provide a second award in future years.