March/April Issue of vein specialist
Recap of VENOUS2023
One World, Many Voices
Table of Contents
Message from the Editor
Steve Elias, MD
Get to Know the AVF’s 36th President, Glenn Jacobowitz
John Forbes and Allie Woodward
Recap of VENOUS2023
VENOUS2023 Strandness Session Highlights
Kathleen Ozsvath, MD
VENOUS FOR ALL: Physicians-In-Training to Experts
Misaki Kiguchi, MD
American Venous Forum Follows the Great Tradition of the Villavicencio and International Sessions
Ruth Bush, MD and Tomasz Urbanek, MD
Allied Health / Aesthetics Program Energizes VENOUS2023
Lorraine Loretz, DPM, MSN, NP
Superficial Venous Session at VENOUS2023
Christine Shokrzadeh, MD, FACS, RPVI and Dan Monahan, MD, FACS
Poster session: A Bigger-than-Texas Success!
Nasim Hedayati, MD and John Carson, MD
Exploring the Depths of Deep Venous Disease
Paula Pinto Rodriguez and Cassius Iyad Ochoa Chaar, MD, MS
VENOUS2023 Gala
Allie Woodward
Return of the Sumner Book: Hemodynamics for Surgeons
Jose Almeida, MD
C-Tract Update
Suresh Vedanthem, MD
JVSVL 2023 Goals
Ruth Bush, MD, Anil Hingorani, MD, Anahita Dua, MD, MS, MBA, FACS, and Arjun Jayaraj, MD, FACS
VEIN Platform Study (Venous Leg Ulcers: Management and Eradication)
Alun Davies, Sarah Onida, Francine Heatley
The Healthy Veins Book featured in Venous Edge
Membership Matters
The Healthy Veins Book featured in Venous Edge
Welcome New Members
January/February 2023
Copyright © 2023 by The American Venous Forum. All rights reserved.
Steve Elias, MD
John Forbes, MBA
Allie Woodward
Christine Rataj
Message from the Editor

Steve Elias, MD
Editor-in-Chief, Vein Specialist

A Walk in the Park
Judas Iscariot killed himself. Suicide. Hanging. It’s complicated. Apparently, it is rumored that he betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Then he had second thoughts. When he found out his betrayal was going to get Jesus crucified, he tried to return the money to the high priests. Too late. The crucifixion went as scheduled. The rest is history. This is where potter’s field comes in. The priests didn’t want to squander the money. So, they bought Akeldama, field of blood, in Aramaic. Judas’ donation was “blood money.” Akeldama was a place for the burial of strangers, criminals, and the poor.
So, what’s the potter’s field connection? Glad you asked. Akeldama became a burial ground after being laid to waste by the potters who sought the high-quality red clay found there. The better to make pottery with. After the area was devastated, it really couldn’t grow anything. The dead bodies of the poor souls who were on the fringe of society were conveniently buried there. Couldn’t be used for anything else. Well, maybe a park. But that comes later.
Now we turn to this issue of Vein Specialist. We’re not betraying anyone. We’re not burying anyone. We’re highlighting everyone. A society’s annual meeting is the culmination of every passing year. In this issue, this is what we do. A lot of pictures and some excellent summaries of what went on. Even if you were there–and a lot of us were–you could not have experienced everything. It is all here in this issue. I’m not going to list everything. That would be redundant. Our members have contributed a lot to this issue. We asked the moderators, our committee members, and our organizers to summarize. This years’ meeting was a great success. A lot of work by a lot of people. It wasn’t a walk in the park.
Hart Island in Long Island Sound, north of Manhattan, will soon be a walk in the park. It became a potter’s field in the 19th century. Before that: a sanitarium, a psychiatric hospital, and a prison for captured Confederate soldiers. Since the 19th century, about 1100 people are buried there each year. You do the math. Millions. Before COVID, prisoners did the burying. Now, city employees. Don’t know which is more perverse. Just as most real estate in crowded cities is repurposed, so will Hart Island be. A park where you can take a walk in the park. There is a lot of space. Burial grounds will be respected and people will be able to visit and honor the unknown dead. But they will also be able to take a walk in the park.
The AVF has not had such a disjointed and marbled past as Hart Island. We have always focused on venous disease. Started out as Dr Fedor Lurie so eloquently and succinctly expressed at our recent meeting as a “forum.” A place to exchange ideas. We’ve expanded the forum concept from our foundation of research and academia to education, diversity, advocacy, and more. Like Hart Island, we continue to evolve and improve. But it is not a walk in the park. It’s work. This year’s meeting and this Vein Specialist showcase how much work our members do to make our experience at the annual meeting a walk in the park. Our AVF members are the disciples (minus Judas) helping to spread the word of best venous care each year. It is not our last supper.
Get to Know the AVF’s 36th President,
Glenn Jacobowitz

John Forbes, MBA
Executive Director, AVF

Allie Woodward
AVF Staff
Glenn Jacobowitz
was born in New York City and moved to Morristown, New Jersey, at age 1 when his father, who was an obstetrician/gynecologist, started a private practice while his mother looked after Glenn and his 2 sisters. He was first introduced to medicine as he walked around town with his father, who people would greet as “Doc.” His father’s patients would frequently make sure to tell Glenn what a good man and a good doctor his father was. These interactions left a lasting impression on Glenn.
Early on, Glenn had an interest in all sports, but eventually settled on soccer and baseball, which he played throughout high school –all the while keeping an eye on his studies. He later attended Princeton University where he played baseball for 2 years. While at Princeton, he made lifelong friendships.
After Princeton, Glenn attended NYU School of Medicine where he met and fell in love with a fellow student, Marilyn. Upon graduation, they married. Marilyn had an internal medicine residency at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City -–and she currently maintains a busy practice near their home in Westchester County, just north of NYC. Glenn stayed at NYU for a general surgical residency and had the privilege to train under Dr Frank Spencer, one of the pioneers of cardiovascular surgery and early vascular trauma surgery. He then stayed at NYU for his vascular surgery fellowship under Dr Thomas Riles and was fortunate join NYU faculty upon completing his training. Glenn was Chief of Vascular Surgery at the Manhattan VA from 1998 to 2016, Vice Chief of the NYU Division of Vascular Surgery from 2006 to 2018, and Chief of the Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at NYU from 2018 to 2023. During that time, the division expanded from 4 to 12 surgeons and became one of the most prolific clinical outcome research institutions in the country, generating extensive publications on both arterial and venous disease. Glenn is currently the Frank J. Veith, M.D. Professor of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Department of Surgery at NYU Grossman School of Medicine.
Glenn’s research interests have included carotid disease and deep and superficial venous disease, and he has been able to mentor many students, residents, and fellows over his career.
In addition to clinical duties, Glenn has held extensive administrative roles at NYU, including Director of the Non-Invasive Vascular Lab and as Chair of the NYU Credentials Committee and Periop Services Committees. He served on the Medical Board for over 10 years, including as Chair of the Medical Board of NYU Langone Health from 2018 to2022.
Glenn and Marilyn have 2 children, Bryan and Lauren. Bryan attended Princeton and is now a software engineer at a large financial services firm in New York City. He is the musical talent in the family, playing in orchestras and bands on multiple instruments and even recording his own music in his spare time. Lauren attended Cornell University for her undergraduate degree. After obtaining an MPH at Dartmouth, she earned a medical doctorate from NYU in 2022. She is now an intern in obstetrics and gynecology at Montefiore/Einstein Medical Center–which would make her grandfather smile.
Glenn joined the AVF early in his career after the urging of Tom Riles, but really became more involved when AVF Past President Lowell Kabnick joined the NYU faculty in 2008. During that time, Glenn had the opportunity to forge relationships with vein specialists around the country and around the world, impressed by the expansive reach of the AVF.
Glenn has served as Recorder and Treasurer for the AVF, as well as Chair of the Program Committee. In addition, Glenn has been involved with health policy for many years, including membership on the Society for Vascular Surgery Health Policy Committee and as the Chair of the first AVF Health Policy Committee. Glenn served on the editorial board for the Journal of Vascular Surgery and is currently on the editorial board for the Journal of Vascular Surgery – Venous and Lymphatic Disorders.
Beyond his leadership roles, Glenn has written more than 130 peer-reviewed papers and multiple book chapters, and he continues to remain involved in ongoing clinical trials on a national level.
Some of his interests include golf and tennis, as well as hiking around the country and the world with friends and family. He enjoys spending his spare time traveling with his wife, family, and friends.
Glenn’s vision as AVF President is to take the society to the next level as an international leader in venous and lymphatic care and maintain the society’s commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in all aspects of its work — including the following components:
- To support and expand the AVF’s research initiatives in basic, clinical, and translational research and guidelines development;
- To continue the AVF’s national and international physician education through the annual meeting and through expanded collaboration with other international venous societies;
- And to use his prior experience in administrative roles and health policy to support collaborative efforts with other societies to improve care through collaborative education and through consensus on best training paradigms.
Under Glenn’s leadership, the AVF will continue to be a resource to members through ongoing communications like AVF Exchange and the Vein Specialist newsletter, by outreach and involvement of young members, and by staying involved with the latest technologic advancements in the field.

“It is critical that we continue to foster relationships not only through our annual meeting, but also through both virtual and in-person events, all of which bring a camaraderie to AVF which is unlike any I have seen in any other society.”
– Dr Glenn Jacobowitz

VENOUS2023 Strandness Session Highlights

Kathleen Ozsvath, MD

The name Strandness conjures up many thoughts. As a true innovator, Dr Strandness was truly the force behind ultrasound, which is the most important modality in evaluating venous disease. As a young man from a very poor background, he overcame obstacles to graduate from medical school and become an innovator whose work will go on affecting patients’ lives. Innovation is never easy, and at times difficult to convince others of its importance. Research and education lead to great advances. The AVF core values stand by these concepts.
The AVF 2023 Annual Meeting, under the leadership of Dr William Marston, was a huge success. With his vision and oversight, venous experts, early career practitioners, allied health colleagues, trainees, and international colleagues came together to share and to learn. “One World Many Voices” was the theme that rang throughout the sessions.
It was an honor to end Dr Marston’s Presidential Session with the Strandness Keynote speaker, Dr Donna Mendes. As an African American female vascular surgeon, her path in life was not easy. In her presentation, Dr Mendes talked about how she wanted to understand why African American men that she treated at St Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital so many years ago were getting amputations. This underserved patient population needed someone to care for them and help them. This became her calling. Dr Mendes worked tirelessly training many young general surgery residents who later became vascular surgeons. She set an example by being firm, yet kind, and never demeaning She guided and paved the way for many. Over the years, she has won many accolades and respect. As the Vice Chair of Education at Lenox Hill Hospital, Dr Mendes will continue to help young surgeons and be a role model to all of those around her.
Dr Mendes pointed out that although her voice wasn’t always heard, her voice is heard now! Congratulations to Dr Donna Mendes for the well-deserved honor to be the 2023 Strandness Keynote speaker.