November/December Issue of vein specialist
Membership Building
A World Without Boundaries
Table of Contents
Message from the Editor
Steve Elias, MD
Membership Corner
Meet the AVF Membership Committee
My Journey
Kathleen Ozsvath, MD and Young Erben, MD
Patient Brochures in Action!
Ruth Bush, MD, JD
Benefits of AVF Membership
Mona Li, MD
Feeling on the Outside Looking In? Join the AVF Community
Alejandro Gonzalez Ochoa, MD
Special Offer from the American Venous Forum for Physicians from Qualifying Countries
Anil Hingorani, MD and Rashad Bishara, MD
Newsflash! AVF Welcomes APPs
Lorraine Loretz, DPM, NP
A Journey of Passion in Vascular Surgery: Making a Lasting Impact
Rashad Bishara, MD
The Inspiring Journey of Dr. Wakefield
Oscar Moreno, MD
Annual Meeting
Venous Health Inequities
Ruth Bush, MD, JD and Kathleen Ozsvath, MD
Discover the Cutting-Edge Research at the American Venous Forum Meeting on Lymphedema
Sheila N. Blumberg, MD, MS, RPVI
Societal IVUS Case Competition Featuring AVF’s 2023 Winner
Adam Reichard, MD
Venous News
AVF Research Committee Puts Policy Navigator to the Test
Mark Iafrati, MD
AVF Collaborates with AVLS, SVS, SIR, and SVM to Develop New Guidelines for Vein Care
Peter Lawrence, MD and Peter Gloviczki, MD
Sumner’s Hemodynamic Guide to Venous Diagnosis and Intervention
Jose Almeida, MD, FACS
Welcome New Members
September & October
Copyright © 2023 by The American Venous Forum. All rights reserved.
Steve Elias, MD
John Forbes, MBA
Allie Woodward
Anthony Eaves
Message from the Editor

Steve Elias, MD
Editor-in-Chief, Vein Specialist
Own the Mistake
Christopher Columbus set out to find a new route to India, China, Japan, and the Spice Islands. He missed the mark; never got there. Made a mistake. Ernest Shackleton took a trip to get to the South Pole, perhaps a more elusive location than the North Pole. Speaking of the North Pole, who really got there first? Cook or Peary? Someone did, somewhere around 1907-1909. More than 100 years later, we really don’t know. But Shackleton had his sight on the South Pole in 1907. His ship, the Endurance, couldn’t get there. Pack ice. Really thick pack ice. The ship got trapped. The men abandoned ship. They lived on an ice floe. Many lost hope; many lost their minds; but none lost their lives. Shackleton saved them. The entire crew survived. That’s an entire other story. Shackleton made a big mistake, but ultimately made things right. If we asked him today if he made a mistake, he might surreptitiously say, “My bad!”
My bad? Such a sedate, benign, limpid use of words. He made a big mistake. Christopher Columbus made a big mistake. Not a “My bad.” If you make a mistake, then say you made a mistake and apologize. It is not a “My bad.” In this issue of Vein Specialist, we don’t make mistakes. “My bad” doesn’t exist. But what does exist in this issue are multiple viewpoints, experiences, and musings about what it is to be a member of AVF. We have asked recent members, middle-of-career members, and seasoned members to talk about this. Our contributors include: Kathleen Ozsvath, Mona Li, Alejandro Gonzalez Ochoa, Young Erben, Rashad Bishara, and Oscar Moreno. There are also updates on our upcoming annual meeting. Two new publications recently came out: more SVS/AVF/AVLS/SIR/SVM guidelines and a new edition of Sumner’s Hemodynamic Guide. Both provide needed information for practicing vein specialists. Nobody made a mistake. Or said, “My bad.”
“My bad,” a euphemism. A way of not really owning a mistake. The phrase gives you a way out to not fully own your actions. Why should we embrace an expression that is defined as, “It’s almost the same as saying ’I’m sorry,’, but you may not necessarily be sorry.” Urban Dictionary defines “my bad” as “a way of admitting a mistake and apologizing for the mistake without actually apologizing.”
The obvious conclusion is that those who say “my bad” are hiding behind this euphemism. In America everyone gets a medal. Every child on every team gets a medal: win or lose. This is not life. “My bad” is a life experience disservice. It is promulgating the unrealistic, idealistic, bombastic experience of a sheltered youth. We all win, always. Failure is not an option. Big mistake.
In this edition of Vein Specialist, some of our contributors share their journey in the vein world. Failure was and is a possibility. No one uses the phrase, “My bad.” My choice, my decision, my goal; that’s all we hear. Vein Specialist makes mistakes. We all do. But “my bad” will not appear in any subsequent issue. And we hope we have convinced you that “my bad” should not be in your linguistic repertoire. Own your decisions whether correct or a mistake. No euphemisms here. Only the honest truth. Read this issue. There are no mistakes. If you think there are, then we’ll own it.
Meet the AVF Membership Committee

Kirsten Myers
AVF Member Services Manager
The AVF Membership Committee is a group of volunteers appointed by the AVF Board of Directors. We meet monthly to develop strategies to grow AVF Membership and to connect better with our members.

Windsor Ting, MD
Practices in New York City
Professor, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Chair, AVF Membership Committee

Anil Hingorani, MD
Practices in New York City
Clinical Professor, NYU Grossman School of Medicine

Mona Li, MD
Practices in Milwaukee, WI
Assistant Professor, Medical College of Wisconsin
Past Chair, AVF Membership Committee

Linda Le, MD
Practices in Houston, TX
Assistant Professor, Houston Methodist, Weill Cornell Medical College

Lorraine Loretz, DPM, NP
Practices in Northborough, MA

Sherry Scovell, MD
Practices in Danvers, MA
Assistant Professor of Surgery, Harvard Medical School

Kathleen Ozsvath, MD
Practices in New York
Chief of Surgery, Samaritan Hospital, NY
Board Member, AVF

Juan Carlos Jimenez, MD, MBA
Practices in Los Angeles
Clinical Professor, UCLA

Pamela Kim, MD
Practices in Framingham, MA
Chair-Elect, AVF Membership Committee

Victor Canata, MD, PhD
Practices in Paraguay
Clinical Professor, Hospital De Clinicas, Universidad Nacional De Asuncion, Paraguay

Young Erben, MD
Practices in Jacksonville, FL
Associate Professor, Mayo Clinic Florida

Pavel Kibrik, MD
Graduate of NYIT College Osteopathic Medicine, contemplating a career in vascular surgery